Competitive Player, Parent and Coach Commitments



  • Arrive to all practices and games on time or early.
  • Communicate and find coverage when I will be absent or late.
  • Wear the appropriate uniform/attire to all practices and games.
  • Bring necessary equipment to all practices and games.
  • Come to practices and games with a good attitude.
  • Come to practices and games with a plan in place.
  • Be respectful of my players, other coaches, opponents, spectators, and officials.
  • Be inclusive and kind.
  • Focus on my players/team at every practice and game.
  • Give my best effort at every practice and game.
  • Play every player fairly, based upon the commitments highlighted.
  • Do my best to ensure individual and team progress and success.
  • Fulfill my year long commitment to this team.


  • Engage in any behavior that is hurtful or harmful to my players, families, other coaches, opponents, spectators, or officials.
  • Gossip or otherwise engage in negative conversations about my players, families, other coaches, opponents, spectators, or officials.
  • Use or tolerate racist, homophobic, sexist, or religious words, slurs, jokes, or aggressions of any kind.
  • Use profanity.
  • Use drugs or alcohol in conjunction with any soccer related activity.
  • Damage, destroy, or misuse the facilities I use.

I understand failure to comply with these policies may result in disciplinary action or sanctions by Clippers FC, including but not limited to: warnings, suspension, disciplinary action from the relevant club board or disciplinary committee, being let go from my position, and/or not being considered for future placement.

I understand my commitments and I am prepared to fulfill them to the best of my ability.

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  • Arrive to all practices and games on time or early.
  • Be respectful of my teammates, coaches, opponents, spectators, and officials.
  • Communicate when I will be absent or late.
  • Wear the appropriate uniform/attire to all practices and games.
  • Bring water to all practices and games.
  • Hydrate, eat good food, and rest before games and tournaments.
  • Come to practices and games with a good attitude.
  • Be inclusive and kind.
  • Focus at every practice and game.
  • Give my best effort at every practice and game.
  • Fulfill my year long commitment to this team.


  • Prioritize soccer and work with my family to schedule things around my soccer commitments.
  • Practice on my own.
  • Watch soccer.
  • Put my team above myself.


  • Engage in any behavior that is hurtful or harmful to my teammates, coaches, opponents, spectators, or officials.
  • Violate the clubs anti-bullying policy
  • Participate in practices, games, or tournaments with an outside team/club/organization, including ODP and PDP, without permission by my coach and Clippers FC Director of Coaching (DOC)
  • Gossip or otherwise engage in negative conversations about my teammates, coaches, opponents, spectators, or officials.
  • Use or tolerate racist, homophobic, sexist, or religious words, slurs, jokes, or aggressions of any kind.
  • Use profanity.
  • Use drugs or alcohol.
  • Damage, destroy, or misuse the facilities I play at.

Additionally, Clippers FC has a zero tolerance bullying policy.

  • Verbal bullying includes teasing, name-calling, taunting, or threatening to cause harm.
  • Physical bullying includes hitting, kicking, pinching, spitting, tripping, pushing, taking or breaking someone’s things, or making mean or rude hand gestures.  
  • Bullying can be social, often times called ‘relational bullying’, when someone is left out on purpose, when someone tells kids to not be friends with someone, when a child spreads rumors about another kid, or when a child intentionally embarrasses another child in public.
  • Bullying can also be communicated in writing or by an electronic device (eg, social media). 
  • A first instance of bullying will require the player to have conversation with his or her parent, coach and possibly bullied teammate/individual as well as possibly miss at least one practice or game.
  • A second instance of bullying will require a player to miss at least two practices or games
  • A third instance of bullying will be referred to the club disciplinary committee and can result in the family/child having their player card returned to them and being asked to leave the club. 

I understand failure to comply with these policies may result in disciplinary action or sanctions by Clippers FC, including, but not limited to, being asked to miss practice, benched for game(s), referral to the club’s disciplinary committee and removed from the team for severe, repeated violations of this code of conduct and/or anti-bullying policy. 

I understand my commitments and I am prepared to fulfill them to the best of my ability.

Player Commitment: Sign Here

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  • Bring my player to all practices and games on time or early.
  • Communicate when my player will be absent or late.
  • Provide the appropriate uniform/attire for all practices and games.
  • Provide my player water at all practices and games.
  • Help my player hydrate, eat good food, and rest before games and tournaments.
  • Encourage my player come to practices and games with a good attitude.
  • Expect my player to be respectful of their teammates, coaches, opponents, spectators, and officials.
  • Expect my player to be inclusive and kind.
  • Remind my player to prioritize focus at every practice and game.
  • Remind my player to prioritize their best effort at every practice and game.
  • Ensure my player fulfills our year long commitment to this team.
  • Allow my player to train without distractions from me.
  • Allow my player to play games without distractions or instructions from me.
  • Respect my player’s teammates, coaches, opponents, other spectators, and officials.
  • Cheer and encourage the team and all players.
  • Wait 24 hours after games have finished to reach out to my player’s coach with any questions or concerns.


  • Prioritize my player’s soccer commitment and work with my family to schedule things around their soccer schedule to the best of my ability.
  • Encourage my player to practice on their own.
  • Encourage my player to watch soccer.
  • Encourage my player to put their team above themselves.


  • Allow my player to participate in practices, games, or tournaments with an outside team/club/organization without appropriate permission by my coach and DOC.
  • Coach my player or other players from the sideline
  • Allow my player to engage in any behavior that is hurtful or harmful to their teammates, coaches, opponents, spectators, or officials.
  • Engage myself in any behavior that is hurtful or harmful to their teammates, coaches, opponents, spectators, or officials.
  • Allow my player to gossip or otherwise engage in negative conversations about their teammates, coaches, opponents, spectators, or officials.
  • Gossip or otherwise engage in negative conversations about their teammates, coaches, opponents, spectators, or officials.
  • Use or tolerate racist, homophobic, sexist, or religious words, slurs, jokes, or aggressions of any kind.
  • Use profanity myself.
  • Use drugs or alcohol at practices or games.
  • Allow my player to damage, destroy, or misuse the facilities they play at.
  • Damage, destroy, or misuse the facilities I visit.

I understand failure to comply with these policies may result in disciplinary action or sanctions by Clippers FC, including, but not limited to: excluded from all soccer events including being asked not to attend games, warnings, loss of playing time, suspension, disciplinary action from the relevant club board or disciplinary committee, being let go from my player’s team, and/or not being considered for future placement.

I understand my commitments and I am prepared to fulfill them to the best of my ability.

Parent Commitment: Sign Here

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